Photo Credit: Globatex Research

The large number of Senior High School (SHS) graduates who apply every year for admission into nursing training programmes, shows that there is a high desire for training in nursing. As the healthcare industry continues to grow, the demand for skilled nurses grows, making it crucial to choose the right institution for your nursing education. Whether you’re a local Ghanaian student or an international aspiring nurse, this list will help you make an informed decision.

The current advances and innovations in medical technology and changing trends in disease patterns have resulted in the movement to train health care professional at high levels of education to ensure the best quality of care for patients. Thus the basic qualification of health professionals has now shifted from certificate and diplomas to bachelor degrees and beyond.

Nursing is a dynamic interpersonal process which aspires to promote, maintain, and restore health. It encompasses the care of individuals, families and communities with different needs. It is a unique enterprise whose practitioners are skilled in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of health care using the nursing process approach (scientific tool for nursing). The practitioners of nursing need to be innovative in order to offer creative responses to the changing pattern of health care demands, whilst working within ethical and legal frameworks.

Nursing education entails teaching of nursing theory, skills and attitude that prepare the student to take up a responsible and accountable position as a registered nurse. We’ve scoured the nation, considered faculty expertise, facilities, quality of tuition and student experiences to compile this comprehensive guide to the finest nursing programs in Ghana.

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  1. University of Ghana School of Nursing

The School of Nursing was first established as a Post Basic Nursing institution in 1963. This school is a component of the College of Health Sciences, a renowned institution that has trained thousands of prominent nurses and midwives in Ghana and beyond. The school is made up of five departments;

The school has intelligent faculty in all the departments who work tirelessly to ensure you get the best learning experience in Nursing and Midwifery. They offer both undergraduate and graduate programs and are globally known for academic excellence in Nursing and Midwifery.

The school of Nursing and Midwifery provides world class committed faculty; majority of who are PhD prepared, rich learning facilities including well re-sourced library, skills laboratory and internet and an environment of credible academic and research assessment at all levels.

The school operates under the core values of research and academic integrity, quality education, respect, collaboration, and teamwork. These core values form the foundation for every teaching and learning situation, both in the classroom and clinical mentorship in this school. If you choose to develop yourself in this school, you have chosen the best tertiary institution at the university level in Ghana for your Nursing or Midwifery experience.

Every academic year has two semesters with 16 weeks in each semester.  Students undertake 6 weeks of clinicals at the end of every academic year and 3weeks during each semester. Two categories of applicants are considered to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programme to read the degree program: West Africa Senior High School Certificate or its equivalent, and Diploma in Nursing Holders (enter at Level 200). All applicants must have a minimum of C6/D in core courses and in each of the elective subjects preferably science electives.



P.O. Box LG 25
Legon, Accra

2. KNUST Department of Nursing

To gain admission into KNUST School of Nursing, applicants must have credit passes in at least three core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science or Social Studies, and credit passes in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics. Students with grades D7, E8, and F9 will not be accepted.

The Department of Nursing provides intensive theoretical and clinical teaching in nursing, building on knowledge in the basic sciences. This prepares students to become professional nurses capable of effectively delivering nursing care to their clients and significant others.

 The course also prepares the students to identify pertinent health problems in health institutions and communities and to effectively design programme that can address these. The teaching methods equip students to deliver health information to various groups in order to meet their particular needs.


Department of Nursing
College of Science
KNUST, PMB, Kumasi-Ghana 
Telephone: +

3. Valley View University

In 2007 Valley View University (VVU) Department of Nursing was established, with the purpose of elevating the standard of nursing education and practice in Ghana and the West African region. In 2018, the Department became a School following the addition of two new accredited baccalaureate programmes, Midwifery, and Mental Health Nursing.

The school offers a four (4) year Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery. The Nursing and Midwifery programs prepare graduates for the licensing examination administered by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana. All clinical experiences are conducted off campus at selected clinical agencies/settings. Transportation and accommodations are organized by the School of Nursing and Midwifery.

The School of Nursing and Midwifery is made up of three departments: the Department of Nursing, the Department of Midwifery and the Department of Mental Health. Three programs are offered by the School of Nursing and Midwifery: BSc Nursing, BSc Midwifery, and BSc Mental Health.

Minimum requirements for entry into first-degree program: Age: 18 – 35 years, Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) and West African Senior Secondary Certificate Exam (WASSCE) Candidates. The general requirements for admission of WASSCE and SSSCE candidates to the degree in Nursing and Midwifery Programs are three (3) credit passes in three (3) core subjects and three (3) credit passes in three relevant elective subjects. SSSCE Candidates must have credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) plus three (3) relevant electives. WASSCE Candidates must have credit passes (at least A1 – C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects (Mathematics, Science, and English) plus three (3) relevant electives. Diploma holdersfrom recognized Institutions are also considered. 

The goal of the School of Nursing and Midwifery is to prepare competent nurses and midwives who are committed to compassionate Christian service. Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science degree the graduate will be able to: Think critically and utilize the nursing processes to assist clients to achieve and maintain optimal wellness and Synthesize knowledge from the sciences, liberal arts and nursing to provide appropriate and effective client care in a variety of settings.


+233 307011832

4. Central University

The Nursing Programme in the Central University College will augment the number of nurses trained by the MOH and other institutions for the health sector in Ghana. It also provides a much-needed avenue for capacity development of graduates from the SSS. In addition, it will provide an avenue for practicing nurses to enhance themselves academically (State Registered Nurses – SRNs and Diplomates).

The philosophy of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree programme supports the mission statement of the Central University (CU): unambiguous Christian affirmation, devotion, professional excellence, responsible citizenship, and service to society in addition to focusing on the central concepts of nursing, which comprise health, nurses, person, and environment. 

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing programme offered at Central University is intended to produce competent professional nurses who will give holistic nursing care to patients/clients, families, and communities. Nurses would collaborate with other health professionals to achieve teamwork. They would manage human and other resources prudently within the health care system, and continually participate in education of health personnel as well as engage in research activities. Finally, they will adhere to Christian principles and beliefs in all their endeavours.

Entry requirements include Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with an aggregate score of twenty-four (24) or better in six (6) subjects comprising: A – D in all three (3) core subjects i.e., English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science and at least passes i.e. (A – D) in three (3) elective subjects in the options of Science, General Arts, Agricultural Science and Home Economics.

West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) with an aggregate score of 36 or better in six (6) subjects comprising: A1 – C6 in all three (3) core subjects i.e., English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science and at least passes in three (3) elective subjects in the options of Science, General Arts, Agricultural Science and Home Economics.

Candidates with the Diploma in Registered Nursing (RN) from recognized institutions may apply. Applicants with State Registered Nurses’ (SRN) qualification from recognized health institutions and with a minimum of 3 years of practice. All applicants to the School of Applied Sciences are interviewed.


Miotso near Dawhenya
Accra -Aflao
P.O Box 2305 Tema or P.O. Box DS 2310 Dansoman,
Accra- Ghana -West Africa
Main Phone (Miotso): +2330303318580

5. Presbyterian University College

Presbyterian University College offers a 4-year degree programme leading to the award of BSc. Nursing and is based at the Asante Akyem Campus, Agogo. The programme is affiliated to the University of Ghana, Legon. They also offer Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Midwifery, a 4-year programme also based at the Asante Akyem Campus. 

The Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Midwifery programme is embedded in the mission and vision of the Presbyterian University College, Ghana which seeks to train the head, hands, and heart of students and prepare them for a challenging and rewarding career across the continuum of pregnancy, birth and beyond. Students learn through a combination of academic study and clinical placements preparing them for clinical practice and leadership roles.  Following completion of the programme, students are eligible to sit for the licensing examination to become registered midwives. This programme is affiliated to University for Development Studies.

Applicants with West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) must have an aggregate of 36 or better in six subjects (3 core and 3 electives). The core subjects and minimum grades are Grade C6 or better in Mathematics, English Language, and Integrated Science. The elective subjects should be selected from any of the following subject areas: Science, General Arts, General Agriculture with Chemistry, Home Economics with Food and Nutrition.

SSSCE Applicants must have obtained aggregate score of 24 or better in six subjects (3 core and 3 electives). The core subjects and minimum grades must be grade D or better in Mathematics, English Language and Integrated Science. The elective subjects should be selected from any of the following subject   areas: Science, General Arts, General Agriculture with Chemistry, Home Economics with Biology.

Diploma applicants must obtain a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized University, with a final grade point average of 3.25 or better, in addition to the basic qualification at WASSCE / ‘O’ Level. Such candidates who must also be RGNs may be admitted to the Third Year of the programme after a selection interview.


Telephone: +233 202 277 201-10
Address: The Registrar,
P. O. Box 59, Abetifi-Kwahu,

6. University for Development Studies

The University for Development Studies (UDS) is Ghana’s first public University in the North. It was established by the Government of Ghana on 15th May 1992. The University operates a multi-campus system and the School of Nursing and Midwifery is on the Tamale Campus.

The university aims to provide higher education to all persons suitably qualified and capable of benefiting from such education; to undertake research and promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and its application to the needs and aspirations of the people of Ghana; and to blend the academic world with that of the community in order to provide constructive interaction between the two for the total development of northern Ghana in particular and the country as a whole.

One unique thing about UDS is its community-technical-interface programme which combines academic work and community-based field practical works known as the Third Trimester Field Practical Programme (TTFPP) and Community Based Education and Service (COBES). 

University for Development Studies School of Nursing and Midwifery runs four programmes namely BSc Midwifery, BSc Nurse Practitioner, BSc Nursing, and BSc Paediatric Nursing.

The admission cut-off point for BSc Nursing and BSc Midwifery is an aggregate of 9 (Male) and 10 (female) for science students and for non-science students is an aggregate of 7 (male) and 8 (female).


Telephone: +233-37-209-3697
Postal address: P. O. Box TL1350
Digital address: NT-0272-1946 Tamale, Ghana

7. Ghana Baptist University College

Ghana Baptist University College (GBUC) believes in producing a professional nurse who is capable to integrate Christian faith and academic learning in order to achieve efficiency and forming ethical relationships and empathic attitudes that contribute to the welfare and well-being of clients.

The programme is intended to equip the nursing student with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for the development of a successful professional career. It is therefore designed to help the student develop and increase in knowledge of relevant biological, physical and medical sciences and demonstrate the application of the research findings to nursing practices and patient management.

The nursing degree programme is essentially skills and competency based. The curriculum is multi-disciplinary and aims to provide the leaners with opportunities for intellectual and professional development on completion, the nurse would have developed the habit of self – education that will foster a life-long practice of continuing self – professional development and growth and to be able to undertake research into health problems.

The mission of the school of Nursing is to advance health and wellbeing and improve the quality of life of all manner of persons irrespective of race, creed, religious belief or social standing through quality nursing education and practices, research scholarship and creative activity. The School of Nursing seeks to become a leading center of excellence and creation nursing education fully accredited and recognized for its research and innovation, scholarly activity and production of professionally competent and compassionate nurses.

To gain admission, pure science students must obtain Grades A-D (SSSCE) or A1 – C6 (WASSCE) in three (3) core subjects: Math, English and Integrated Science plus grades A – D (SSSCE) or A1 – C6 (WASSCE) in three (3) elective subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math.

General Arts candidates must obtain Grade B (SSSCE) or B2(WASSCE) in Integrated science and A-D (SSSCE) or A1 –C6(WASSCE) in core English and Maths plus grades (A-D) (SSSCE) or A1- C6 (WASSCE) in any three of elective general arts subjects.

Home Economics candidates must obtain Grades A-D (SSSCE) or A1 – C6 (WASSCE) in three (3) core subjects namely, English, Maths and Integrated Science plus grades A-D(SSSCE) or A1 – C6 (WASSCE) in three (3) elective subjects namely, Food& Nutrition, Management in Living, General Knowledge in Art.

Registered General Nurses (RGN) who hold a diploma certificate awarded by institutions recognized by National Accreditation and Nursing and Midwifery Council and have a minimum of three (3) years post-qualification working experience shall be required to pass an entrance examination and a selection interview. Successful applicants will be admitted to level 300. The programme will be run over the weekend, From Friday to Sunday.

Mature students must be State Registered Nurses (SRN) who have worked over three years and are 25 years and above. They shall be required to pass an entrance examination and a selection interview. Successful applicants will be admitted to level 200.


Opposite Anglican SHS,

 +233 0322080195
   +233 (0)54-9062092

8. KAAF University College

The General Nursing programme at KAAF University College prepare prospective students to acquired knowledge and highest integrity, irrespective of colour, belief, race, poor or rich. The university believes in life promotion or otherwise life preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation; physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually whenever possible, or otherwise where death is inevitable to aid the client in dying peacefully through negotiating peace with God.

The university offers a BSc. Nursing, BSc. Midwifery and BSc. Public Health Nursing.

The aim of the BSc. Degree Programme in Nursing is to provide students with a deep overall understanding of the theories, concepts, and ideas that constitute the practice of Nursing and to train them to be excellent professionals in the health sector.

The main goal of the Bachelor of Science in Midwifery programme is to train midwives who are highly skilled to meet the changing care needs of women within the reproductive age, their families, and the community within which they life.

 The BSc in Public Health Nursing is designed for nurses interested in gaining a professional qualification in health visiting, occupational health nursing, or school nursing. The program proposes registered nurses a prospect to enhance their knowledge and extend their skills to enhance health. This course is appropriate for qualified nurses with a dedication to prevention and health advancement and evidence-based practice in a civic setting. They are enabled in acquiring their knowledge and competencies to enhance the provision of health care, by employing appropriate theory, research, and support, to reflect modern perceptions. The course also concentrates on understanding and encouraging people in building a healthy lifestyle, as well as enhancing and protecting health in the public and private sectors.

WASSCE or SSCE students must have Six (6) credit passes (A1-C6) including English Language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science, and any three (3) relevant elective subjects in General Science. General Arts or Home Economics with an overall aggregate of 36 or better.

Applicants with a diploma in Nursing from a recognized institution plus licensure examinations of the Nursing and Midwifery Council are admitted to the third year. Holders of NAC/HAC/NAP/CHNC certificates will do the six (6) weeks access course before being admitted into the BSc. Nursing Programme.


+233 20112 1353

+233 20020 3959

9. Pentecost University College

The Department of Nursing and Midwifery at Pentecost University College professes to be on the cutting edge of dissemination of knowledge, quality education, and research and to produce excellent Nurses who would not only compete with nurses worldwide but excel in all areas as well. They profess to empower students to serve their own generation and posterity in the fear of God.

Pentecost University College inculcates caring for the individual clients, families, groups, or communities placed under the care of nurses as unique persons with peculiar needs. The university offers a BSc. Nursing and BSc. Midwifery. The courses are interactive and students are encouraged to participate fully in all activities – lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, ward work, and field visits.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program prepares the graduate to integrate concepts from the Arts and Sciences in promoting health and managing complex nursing care situations, deliver and advocate for health promotion and disease prevention strategies at the individual, family, and community levels, and demonstrate critical thinking, clinical decision making, and psychomotor skills necessary for the delivery of competent, evidence-based, holistic, and compassionate care to patients across the life span.

Pentecost University has excellent facilities to aid campus clinical experience. Their facilities include a skills lab room, simulation room, health education computer lab, and video equipment lab. All of these labs aid in demonstrations, tutorials, and human client simulations.

Outside campus, the department has memoranda of understanding with some hospitals in Accra, Cape Coast, and Koforidua where students are posted for clinical experience during their training.

Entry requirements for SSSCE and WASSCE applicants are grade A-D and grade A1-C6 respectively in three core subjects and three elective subjects.


P. O. Box KN 1739
Kaneshie, Accra

10. All Nations University

All Nations University’s Department of Nursing provides many opportunities for its students to gain valuable, hands-on experience that will ensure they receive a well-rounded education founded both in academic theory and real-world application. It prepares graduates for the practice of professional nursing through rigorous academic and clinical coursework.

The Mission of the Department of Nursing is to produce graduates with practical and intellectual skills appropriate to the health needs of the present and future Ghanaian society. It ensures that the students acquire such skills using modalities that encourage the acquisition of learning in the context in which they will later function as healthcare professionals.

Holders of SSSCE must obtain Grade A – D in six courses, three electives (any), and three core courses. Holders of WASSSCE must obtain Grades A1 – C6 in six courses, three electives, and three core courses.  Two categories of mature applicants who are at least 25 years old at the time of the submission of the application would be considered: State registered Nurses (SRN) are entered at level 200 and Registered General Nurses are entered at level 300 after a successful interview. A nursing access course is also available.

The objectives of the nursing program include applying knowledge in nursing to provide high-quality nursing care to individuals, families, and communities, providing promotive, preventive, and restorative health services in line with national health policies and programmes and integrating knowledge and skills from nursing science to facilitate clinical decision-making and the delivery of safe and effective nursing care.

97 N.K. Boateng KF1908,
Koforidua, Eastern Region, Ghana.

+233201742690 | +233501570350

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