Presbyterian Boys, Legon is a prestigious all-male senior high school established by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana on 1st February 1938. PRESEC Legon is located at Legon in Accra. As the best category A school in Ghana, the school only admits students who score excellent grades in WASSCE.

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The school started with 16 students who were selected through a special entrance examination and 4 teachers. The school moved to its current location, Legon in 1968. The first Headmaster of the school Rev. E. A. W. Engmann, a 35-year-old man, offered himself to make the dream of the Presbyterian Church to establish a Secondary School started by Rev. N.T. Clerk, the Church’s first Synod Clerk, a reality. An alumnus of the school is referred to as ƆdadeÉ› (the baobab tree). The baobab tree is a Ghanaian symbol of knowledge, resourcefulness, and strength.

Presbyterian Boys, Legon (PRESEC LEGON) is the best senior high school in Ghana. The school is an eight-time winner of the Ghana National Science and Maths Quiz Competition. The alumni of the school are rreferredto as “Ɔdadeɛ” PRESEC has an ongoing alliance with their fellow Presbyterian Girls’ school, Aburi Girls’ Secondary School, ABUGISS. The alliance is known as PRE-GISS.

The mission is to equip students for excellence in academics, provide a safe and secure environment, quality instruction, personal guidance, and challenging learning opportunities for all students. The school exists to equip students for a fuller life to Christian education based on the Presbyterian traditions opens the and skill development.

PRESEC, Legon is dedicated to being the number one institution for young males in the country and Africa, an institution of excellence where students achieve their potential in scholarship, character development, civic responsibility, creative expression, and Career/ Post-Secondary Preparation.

Academic programmes offered in the school are Business, Agriculture Science, Visual Arts, Home Economics, General Science, and General Arts. Extra-curricular activities include the Brilliant Science and Mathematics Club (Brilla), Cybit Club (infotech), Civic Education Club, choir, football, basketball, Scripture Union, and cadet.



Box Address:

P. O. Box LG 98, Legon



+23324 325 4847

+233 032 50 0945

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